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Full HIPAA Training for DME Service Solutions

Refresh your knowledge of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  • Level: Professional
  • Duration:  2h30 (24 modules + quizzes)
  • Video Time:  130 minutes
  • Author: Ryan Coyne

                             Sample Module 

                                                                        Why HIPAA Compliance is Important for Healthcare Professionals
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What's included?

This professional training is perfect for annual training and onboarding of new staff.
A training dashboard is included to help you manage training for your whole organization. 

For Learners

  • Interactive online training

    We guarantee you an exceptional learner experience with our interactive course design. 
  • Train at your own pace

    Access our training modules whenever you want to learn at your own pace
  • Test your knowledge

    Take quizzes to assess your level and progress in HIPAA knowledge

For Healthcare Organizations

  • Introduce a new common language

    This course will help you to introduce a new common vocabulary into your organization regarding HIPAA compliance.
  • Send Notifications

    You can choose to send out notifications to your teams during the year to remind them of their HIPAA compliance obligations.
  • Dashboards

    You can quickly and easily view your teams training participation rates and test results in real-time.

Course Curriculum


Ryan Coyne

Ryan Coyne is the co-founder of ComplianceJunction.
ComplianceJunction delivers practical online compliance training for HIPAA, HB-300, Cybersecurity and CCPA regulations. We combine high-quality interactive training with up-to-date compliance news and insights to achieve measurable results for our customers.